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* Orders are being processed during normal working hours: 9am - 18pm Mon - Fri except bank holidays.

Flood Risk Report

This comprehensive flood report features information from the Environment Agency flooding database and British Geographical Survey data on geological deposits associated with areas of potential flooding.
The report provides essential information indicating whether or not a property and its surrounding area has been or could be affected by flooding and if flood defences are in place. It provides a comprehensive summary of flood risk taking into account groundwater flooding in addition to traditional flood risks from river and coastal sources.
Please provide the details of the property that you would like to search.
Title Number (if known) :: A title number is a combination of letters and numbers or numbers only
Property Number or Name :: E.g. No. 127 or Crown House
Postcode :: (E.g. SE15 6QD)
Comments :: Here you can provide additional information relating to the search

Additional Documents :: You can choose additional documents here at a discounted price.