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Title Register

£19.99 Title Register Sample
Obtain a copy of the official register of title to a property or land in the UK.
From the Title Register you can find out who owns the house or land, the address of the owner, the tenure, price paid/value stated information if sold since April 2000 and any rights of way or restrictions & covenants on the land noted on the register.
Title Number (if known) :: A title number is a combination of letters and numbers or numbers only
Tenure (if known) :: Some properties are affected by both Freehold and Leasehold titles. This selection will help us finding the correct title.
Flat Number :: (e.g: 12 or 2/3F)
Property Number or Name :: E.g. No. 127 or Crown House
Postcode :: (E.g. SE15 6QD)
Comments :: Here you can provide additional information relating to the search

Additional Documents :: You can choose additional documents here at a discounted price.